Yonder Ghostrider In The Sky


Retired Breeding Sire

Casper has been retired from our breeding program as of March 2024 and has left for his forever home. He was originally imported from Hungary from top championship lines and was used at Shoreland Kennels in Chicago. He has produces top quality show and family dogs all with beautiful color, laid back temperaments and low drive. We have two dogs here sired by Casper; Cookie and Bliss. His loud blue merle color is passed onto a good portion of each litter but he also produces classic blacks, sables, tris, chocolates and chocolate merles. He is a rainbow of color! Casper is medium in stature and has the most incredible coat you have ever seen. He has low drive but does enjoys all outdoor activities. He will be missed here at the ranch.


Color:  Blue Merle

Coat:  Full Rough

Size:  Medium

Height: 18 Inches

Weight:  46 Pounds

Drive: Low

Registered:  AKC

DNA Panel: 100% clear

CAER: Normal

OFA Hips: Excellent

OFA Elbows: Good


HPK Cerberus "Cerberus"


IntCH Bordercross Angels Envy "Envy"